Monday, December 17, 2018

Why vote non PAP

Some people, who are so fed up with the PAP, wants to see the PAP kicked out of office and a new govt take place from the other parties.

They do not even trust the Workers Party which they considered to be "too close" to the PAP.

I like these people to be more realistic.

There was an attempt to form a coalition of non PAP parties with Dr. Tan Cheng Bock appointed as the leader. Nothing materialized over the past many months.

Within the non PAP parties, there is considerable distrust among the leaders. They will be unable to form any credible coalition. This is sad, but it is a fact.

It is easy to find reasons to dislike any particular person or party. It is quite a common characteristics in Singapore.

The alternative approach is to look for what to like about a particular person or party. This is the only way that a coalition can be forged.

Anyway, I do not expect the coalition to materialize. We are likely to go into the next general election with a hodgepodge of non PAP parties contesting against the PAP. It will be like the earlier general elections.

At best, we can see three strong non-PAP parties going into the fray - the Workers Party, the Singapore Democratic Party and a third party, possibly led by Dr. Tan.

Many people will be disappointed at this arrangement, and they may feel that it is useless to vote non PAP.

I disagree with this sentiment.

It is important for voters to vote non PAP so that there will be a more diverse parliament. A parliament comprising mainly of PAP MPs will be a disaster. They have done a lot of harm already.

If the parliament is more diverse, there will be more opportunity for issues to be debated in parliament. It will be good for governance, and for the future of Singapore. It does not matter that the PAP will still form the government. But, they cannot continue the old way that they adopted for the past three decades.

Change will come if we have a more diverse parliament, even if PAP remain in charge. In the case that they do not get a majority, they can still form a coalition govt with another party.

Some voters worry that Singapore will be in trouble if the PAP is not the govt. They should consider the alternative. Singapore WILL be in trouble if the PAP continues to be the govt.

Even if the non PAP parties cannot form a coalition, it is still best for voters to vote non PAP.

Tan Kin Lian

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