Sunday, December 30, 2018

Willing to make painful changes

The new govt in Malaysia face big challenges. They are:

a) The weak financial situation in the country, with its large debt and insufficient govt revenue.

b) A civil service that is, to a large extent, partisan, corrupt and beholden to the previous govt. The new govt could not rely on these civil servants to help them to run the country.

c) They have to deal with many outstanding issues with Singapore.

They are trying to implement new policies to deal with these challenges. The changes are difficult and painful.

They make mistakes in some of these changes. They are partly caused by the uncooperative civil service.

But the govt is willing to recognize their mistakes and change their policies. They are brave in telling the truth to their people. In addressing these policy u-turns, Dr. M said that "even angels make mistakes".

I wish all the best to Malaysia in overcoming these problems.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reducing our inflation and made Singapore great again.
