Tuesday, December 04, 2018

WOTC - Heng SK as prime minister

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:
What are your views about Heng SK being the next prime minister?

Here are the responses: (82 Votes)
37 % - He will not address the underlying problems that need to be changed.
34 % - I am pessimistic about the future of Singapore.
27 % - He is probably the best that is available.
2 % - I am optimistic for the future

See the pie chart at:


  1. Yes, dun have much faith and trust in any of the 4G leaders, all will toe the PAP party line, so status quo continue to prevail, can see they are not trained to think out of the box, just follow the Party SOP faithfully.
    Guess Heng with his not so good at handling stress,if he collapses again, would show he's a seatwarmer for Chan, who is related to PM Lee, would even toe more the party line, and then become the next seat warmer for .....
    Back to square 1, which is dangerous for our country, pessimistic that these still wet behind the ears chaps could not handle the advent of AI, which will beat them hands down, with AI going to be smarter than the smartest humans in the near future. The withdrawal of PIC tax grants, which SMEs made use to fund their own R&D AI development, shows even our present Govt leaders fear AI, jittery about its disastrous effects on Singapore's near future survival.
    Can our cocooned 4G leaders make the cut? Folks, be your own judge.

  2. Transport Minister should draw in the 4G leaders to handle the new demands by Malaysia on port and airspace limits.
    A perfect opportunity to test these chaps whether they just talk hollow and no action type. Well, pay wise the 4Gs are well head over shoulders
    their Malaysian counterparts. Show us their capabilities and worth now.
    Even former PM Goh could not handle Dr M and had to rely on LKY, anybody thinks our cocooned 4Gs can do better this time?
