Monday, December 10, 2018

WOTC - Most respected senior ministers

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

Which of these senior ministers do you respect most?

Here are the responses: (41 Votes)
80 % - Tharman Shanmugaratnam
7 % - Teo Chee Hean
5 % - Ng Eng Hen 
5 % - Lee Hsien Loong
2 % - Khaw Boon Wan

See the pie chart at:

1 comment:

  1. Calvin a staunch PAP supporter brought up an interesting comment,

    The best man for the PM job may be the best one for Singapore,
    but not the best one for the PAP.

    Very sad for Singapore, they rather pick on the man best suited to their interest to stay in power, so what if the chap is a mediocrity.
    blinded to the fact the best man for us is the one who would keep PAP in power.
    So the man who stand head over shoulders above the sea of mediocrity is out of the picture, as he is deemed too dangerous, Ex Malaysian PM Najib is a perfect mirror to watch.
    Many of us vote PAP due to the Tharman factor.
    Meanwhile, voters bo bian have to bank on Heng Swee Kiat, but should he give way to Chan Chun Sing, would be a different scenario, we dislike his blowing his trumpet, all cheap talk and no intrinsic value to boost.
    Definitely not PM material to us.
