Thursday, December 13, 2018

WOTC - Pay a higher price for water from Malaysia

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

Should Singapore agree earlier to pay a higher price for water from Malaysia?

Here are the responses: (58 Votes)
59 % - The annual sum is small and is worth spending to build goodwill.
31 % - We should insist on our contractual right under international law
7 % - Our sovereignty is at stake. 
3 % - Our position in international law is questionable.

See the pie chart at:

1 comment:

  1. Yah, a small price to pay for goodwill.
    Pettiness begets pettiness, can't blame Mahathir to reciprocate with pettiness also.
    Doggedness and inflexibility by PAP Govt is the tripping stone between Malaysia and Singapore's relations.
    Using Rule of Law to push your point, you surely can win on home grounds, nobody dares to challenge your Law, but in overseas diplomacy, sometimes backfire, creates resentment and grudges esp with close neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia, esp with Tun.
    Our Govt made the first wrong move in insisting on HSR compensation, it's the mind of a small woman. Nobody dares to tell Govt it's a wrong move to make, so they keep on making gaffes with Malaysia.
    Comments made by self praised, conceited ex Diplomat Kausikan is adding more fuel to fire.
