Saturday, January 19, 2019

A new political party - Progress Singapore Party

The big news during the past few days is the application by Dr. Tan Cheng Bock and his supporters to register a new party, the Progress Singapore Party.

How will this party impact the next general election.

You can give your vote in this website:'


  1. Should have graciously let TCB be President,instead of allowing an Indian Muslim be one, worse even omit the election process.
    No foresight, there is a saying in Chinese -

    人算不如天算 - Heavens decide better than man

  2. Let's see how they come up with another lame excuse to prevent TCB from
    forming his political Party, with a wealthy supporter from an estranged Lee member, Bok is a serious threat, so must nip this trouble maker in the bud first.

  3. Know your limitations. Do not offer more than you're confident in delivering.
