Monday, January 28, 2019

A shameful example of our Smart Nation drive

I submitted my contribution to CPF for January 2019. I used their online submission process.

I made the mistake of entering January 2018, instead of 2019. The website did not alert me to this error. It could, because I have been submitted the contribution regularly every month during 2018.

The website calculated interest at the rate of 20% per annum for almost one year delay in payment. I thought that I missed a contribution in January 2018. I did not understand why they did not inform me earlier.

I was sure that I had contributed monthly, so I could not have missed January 2018. I removed the late payment interest and submitted the contribution.

Later, I realized that I had entered the wrong month. I sent an e-mail to notify CPF of the mistake.

They could have easily rectified the mistake and changed the year from 2018 to 2019. But they did not.

Here is the painful process that CPF made me go through. It is a shameful reflection of our Smart Nation drive.

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