Thursday, January 24, 2019

Casualty of military training

Aloysius Pang is the latest casualty of military training. During the past 20 years, there were 19 deaths during military training, an average of 1 death a year.

Each accident cause a lot of media highlight and concern. The authority will promise stronger enforcement of safety regulations. The public becomes more skeptical over the years.

What can we do about this issue?

I suggest the following measures:


  1. RIP Aloysius, may Almighty God takes your soul up into heaven.
    Although you are just another insignificant dot in the eyes of SAF, your parents and fans will hold you up on the pedestal, thumbs down on the Defence minister, who only know how to give lip service on safety improvement for our sons doing NS.
    In Japan, the Defence Minister takes responsibility by bowing on National TV and then resign, as it's one death too many, repeating parrot like every year.

  2. I was having a similar thought yesterday of compensating the NS man's family 1 million dollars before I chanced upon this article. Suicide cases shall not be eligible to avoid deliberate suicides. The payout is neglible for the nation but goes a long way to ease the pain in the loss.
