Saturday, January 05, 2019

Climb over a high fence

I switched to Ohms Energy and gets 25% discount from the tariff rate charged by Singapore Power. Will Ohms be viable offering this discount?

If they can, does it mean that SP has been earning a fat margin of more than 25%?

Why does the govt not control the margin charged by SP? Why go about the troublesome way of opening up the energy market? What value does the market offer, other than complicated choices and additional cost to the economy?

I was able to get this benefit because I could spend the time to read the complicated website and go through the process of transferring supplier.

I am sure that the poorer people, who have to work 12 hours a day to make a living, does not have the luxury of time to make the transfer to enjoy the reduction of 25% in the price.

The govt could say - it is their fault. They did not take the trouble to do it.

We may have the situation where the more affluent enjoy a lower price for electricity and the poorer people pay the higher price. It is another regressive measure.

I prefer the govt to get SP to lower their margin, so that every consumer can benefit, without giving them a high fence to climb over.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. And they expect a primary six old man to read and agree the super long and complicate terms and conditions of every potential OEM and choose the best please.
