Thursday, January 03, 2019

Office politics involving foreigners

A middle aged man joined a large company. After working for a few weeks, he was affected by the "office politics".

The foreigners working in the office was unhappy with him. They felt that they should be paid more than him as they are more capable than he is.

I advised the local to ignore the office politics. The company had to employ a certain proportion of locals to allow the foreigners to be recruited.

The employer also has to pay a levy for each foreign worker. So, the lower salary received by the foreign worker is taken by the govt through the levy.

I understand that this kind of office politics happen in many workplaces. It is not healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Uniquely Singapore, where foreigners control office politics to bully the local employees.
    Yes heard of many cases, even see first hand case, where a foreign manager even manipulates a local junior accounts girl to massage the accounts for ambiguous accounting entries. The girl quits rather than be whistle blower, with its messy and time consuming involvement.
