Friday, January 11, 2019

Solve the long queues at the Johore checkpoints

Someone suggested that NS men should be assigned to help the officers man the immigration checkpoints. This is unacceptable.

The role of the conscripts is for national defense. They are not to be used to depress the wages of immigration officers.

If the govt is not able to recruit sufficient immigration officers to man the checkpoints, they should increase the wages. If the work conditions are the deterrent, they should improve the work conditions.

The problem is with the immigration checkpoints to Johore. There is no problem with the checkpoints at the airports.

As a first step, the govt should provide a special allowance for work at the Johore checkpoints. This should be accompanied by an effort to improve the work conditions.

We can reduce the workload by eliminating unnecessary work, such as the need to fill up and process the entry card. Many countries have already abolished this card as they have the details in the scanned passport.

If the customs checking is tiring, we should increase the manpower to share the workload. We can also reduce the types of checking required. If a traveler brings in some eggs or meat product in small quantities, it should not cause any harm. There is no need to check them.

It is unproductive for the nation to have so many thousands of people spend hours to clear the checkpoints every day.

It is depressing to think that our highly paid ministers and top civil servants cannot find a solution to this problem.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Going back to the good old days in the 1960s & 1970s? In those days many NSFs roped in to help PWD build roads and dig roadside drains.
