Monday, January 14, 2019

Use of legal process

I am concerned about the use of the legal process to handle dissenting views. Here are some recent examples:

a) PM Lee sued Leong Sze Hian for sharing an article in the Malaysian media containing defamatory statements. Mr. Leong shared the article without giving any personal comment. He withdraw the article when asked to do so.

b) The govt is charging the contributor and the editor of The Online Citizen for criminal defamation, apparently over an article that contains a statement alleging "corruption at the highest level".

c) Nanyang Technological University National University of Singapore has sent a legal challenge to a mainstream newspaper, Today Online, for an article over the resignation of academics. No details are available on what were the statements that the institutions found to be annoying or defamatory.

Read the rest of my view here:


  1. It is no good to spread fake be careful because it cause suffering to the victim of fake news

    1. Compared to many foodpanda deliverymen, those alleged defamed victims don't seem to be sweating or suffering.

  2. Only GOD knows.then change job sue then know back side pain because of suffering caused.

    1. Yes only God knows, so court n judge also no use. Don't know what kind of fairy tales being told in the courts lol. Change job --- good advice also for those cannot take suffering from criticisms lol.

  3. How do we know victims do not suffer?Let the court decide who cause unnessary criticisms and suffering.A civil way to settle things.haha
