Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Will the govt review the PDPA?

I received a call on my mobile phone from an unknown Singapore number. I answered it.

There was no answer for a while. Later, a person with a foreign accent spoke. After speaking a while, she said "How are you today".

It is the SOP script for a telemarketing.

I leave the phone on hold. She said, "Hello " a few times before signing off. This will be my future response to telemarketing calls.

Clearly, the call is an infringement of the Privacy and Data Protection Act. I have registered my mobile phone under the "Do Not Call" register under PDPA.

I know that the register is useless. That is why I do not wish to make any report.

The PDPA adds to the cost of doing business and does not really serve any useful purpose.

Will the govt review the PDPA?

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Hey,it could be your long lost girl friend from your younger days.haha
