Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Budget 2019 - my initial thoughts

Life is boring in Singapore. We are not encouraged to talk about or to criticize government policies. If we do, we have to be careful. If we are not careful, we can be sued for defamation or charged for criminal defamation.

Most citizens look towards the Budget Statement presented to Parliament to learn about the fiscal plans of the government and to comment on these plans.

The Budget Statement for this year is of special interest because it is the bicentennial of the colonialization of Singapore. I wonder if any other country in the world celebrates its control by an imperial power.

Never mind.

The citizens look forward in anticipation of the good news that the government will be presenting in the budget. The cynical ones say that this is to buy votes for the general election that is expected this year.

Budget time is usually good news, because it is usually bad news during the rest of the year – with increases in fees, taxes, government charges and consumer prices.

So what is the good news?

1 comment:

  1. It's beyond comprehension to spend tax money to adore a former Imperial colonial master. Even more heart pain to see taxpayers' money spent so
    frivolously on such a not so glorious piece of history.
    Similarly, Thailand should celebrate its proud history as the only SEA country that was never colonized.
    Now then we understand the term, "Angmo tua kee". Unbelievable our PAP Govt still live under the shadow of colonial times.
    By all means increase social spending to alleviate high costs of living, but not under the disguise of paying homage to an ex colonial master, and reduce some unnecessary expenses.
