Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Huawei and US govt

Bloomberg: Cybersecurity. Huawei Trolls U.S. on Spy Claims With a Jab at Snowden…/u-s-huawei-wage-war-of-words-at…

Earlier in the day, Huawei’s rotating Chairman Guo Ping delivered what might have been his boldest defense yet to U.S. accusations that the Shenzhen-based company’s products could be used for espionage. The U.S. had “no evidence, nothing” to back those claims, Ping told a a packed main auditorium.

Ping even went on the offensive, pointing to a U.S. federal law that compels U.S. tech companies to provide law enforcement officials with requested data stored on servers -- even if they’re located on foreign soil.

“Prism, prism on the wall, who is the most trustworthy of them all?" Ping asked, drawing laughter and scattered applause. “It is a very important question and if you don’t answer that, you can go and ask Edward Snowden.”

Snowden, a former National Security Agency subcontractor, leaked documents revealing the NSA’s use of U.S.-made telecom equipment for spying.

Carriers including Deutsche Telekom AG, Telefonica SA and Vodafone Group Plc have used Huawei’s equipment for years and they’re about to spend billions of dollars on building fifth-generation wireless networks. So at MWC Barcelona, phone executives are trying to speak with one voice, warning that they need access to several suppliers and that banning Huawei risks delaying 5G in the region.

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