Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Review security at educational institutions

Someone said:

The recent fight that broke out at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College West and involved a dangerous weapon (Girl arrested for attacking another girl with dangerous weapon at ITE College West, Feb 22) is the latest in a series of safety lapses at our educational institutions.

It follows the murder of an ITE director at the ITE College Central campus in 2018, the scuffle involving students in a Temasek Polytechnic lecture theatre in 2018, the fight between 20 ITE students near a construction site in 2016, and the slashing attack at ITE College West in 2015.

The Ministry of Education urgently needs to review the safety measures in place to protect lives in our educational institutions.

1 comment:

  1. I used to work in a poly for over 10 yrs and I believe the root cause is due to the slackening of discipline as well as the over-shielding of consequences from bad behaviour among local tertiary institutions.

    Hence this is a problem that having more security guards, more locked fences & locked gates etc cannot solve. Note that except for the AMK ITE carpark murder, all the other cases involved students studying in those institutions.

    Dangerous weapons can be sharp scissors, cardboard cutters, or even pens & sharpened pencils. Students doing hospitality or culinary studies will of course have their personal set of knives & choppers.

    In the past 20 years, tertiary institutions have more & more tried to settle fights & unruly behaviour "in-house" without involving the police and the law. Unless there is a bad injury or death, the institution authorities will try to keep things quiet, at most suspend the guilty for a few months. They will also psycho & put psychological pressure on the victims & their parents not to blow things up.

    Unlike in the old days, when authorities won't think twice of public canings & throwing the juvenile court at culprits, and locking up the recalcitrants in harsh Boys' Town or Girls' Home. Now to get into those 2 places, teenagers will need to almost commit murder first.
