Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Superannuation fund in Australia - compare with CPF

An Singaporean, who has migrated to Australia, sent me this post to share his views about the management of his superannuation fund, compared to our Central Provident Fund in Singapore.

Do you like our CPF to be more transparent in investing our retirement funds?

1 comment:

  1. Highlight the section of video - traditional retailers versus Amazon.
    That's what Capitaland Shopping malls have been doing in Singapore -
    create a shopping experience to entice people to go out shopping and being entertained within the mall, instead of being seduced by the internet at home. Right to copy Ikea's shopping concept to attract family with food first, then go shopping for home furnishings while their kids entertained at the play section.
    Humane to allow CPF members to withdraw savings at age 55, but retain an amount for future use, and each member attending course on money management. Many people could go crazy to see a sudden, large sum of money at their disposal. Precautions against being enticed by bad investment schemes from predatory, rogue bank advisors, fleezed by sweet talking women from outside, or losing on casino gambling have to be taken.
    But Govt give impression they are EVER delaying release of our CPF savings, this makes people unhappy, like delaying withdrawal age, having to fill a form to confirm withdraw at 65 or 70 years.
    Even our coffin moneys they wanna control also.
