Thursday, February 28, 2019

Treating foreign workers in A class

I read a letter in the Straits Times that an employer was quoted a fee of $15,000 to $18,000 to send a foreign maid for surgery that was expected for 5 days. This was probably the rate being charged in A class ward.

I find it ridiculous for the foreigner worker to be sent to A class ward for treatment at the employer's expense when a local worker is probably treated in C class.

1 comment:

  1. This is a true story, no gimmicks added.
    My elderly mum's maid was sick from week one, a transfer maid from Cambodia. We thought it was flu, but at end of first month, she was sent to A & E with nearly 41 degree fever. Warded at hospital, found mostly probably had cancer of the bronchial tube leading to her left lung.
    A scope is needed to confirm diagnosis, but she was so deathly sick, would she be able to be drugged to take the test.
    Our agent then arranged a meeting with the Embassy to meet us, as the bill was piling up with isolated ward charges.
    Agent advised we should compensate maid to be sent home to Cambodia for treatment, as he has had experience a past case employer had to foot a $75k bill to treat his cancer stricken maid. We came to a figure of US4,000, else Embassy won't approve for discharge.
    All in the hospital charge came to S$4,950 for a 5 day stay in an isolated ward, all paid by the maid's insurer out of a $10,000 insured. amount. We paid the US$4,000 out of humanitarian responsibility.
    That 5 or 6 days of anxiety and sleepless nights was hell to me as I am the care giver for our dementia mum. Would maid die in hospital? Within 24 hrs when approval was given for discharge, it was traumatic rushing from getting air ticket, packing the maid's 2 luggages, paying for excess luggage, buying US$, and sending her to airport. Luck was with us her fever subsided much one day before discharge,else hospital and Embassy won't approve.
    Motto of story, ensure your potential maid is healthy, send her to doctor first, before employment, and buy higher maid insurance.
