Friday, February 22, 2019

WOTC - American involved in HIV leak

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

How should the govt respond to allegations made by the American involved in the HIV leak?

Here are the responses: (42 Votes)
52 % - Extradite him to face charges in court.
36 % - Give a detailed reply to each allegation and continue to do so for each new allegation.
12 % - Do it only once to showed that he had lied, and ignore him after that.
0 % - Ignore him, as his statements are clearly not credible.

See the pie chart at:


  1. Dun understand, how could a database of patients be so accessible to a Tom, Dick and Harry doctor.
    All those talk of Singapore being a smart Nation dun apply to Govt Agencies? Yet a PM to be Minister said without batting an eyelid that the PAP Govt is not slacking in their work.
    If this is not slack, then what is it called.

  2. A lot of blame concentrated on that American HIV gay man.
    But the main culprit is that Singaporean gay doc Dr Ler, if he dun disclose the list to his American lover, then no online leak will happen.
    Many wonder why Ler is not singled out for the main blame, and why he is not punished seriously.
    Ler has powerful backing behind?

  3. This should not to happen in the first place.
