Friday, February 01, 2019

WOTC - Compensation for NS men who die on duty

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

Should the govt compensate $500,000 to the family of a NS man who dies on duty?

Here are the responses: (57 Votes)
51 % - It is inadequate.
47 % - It is an adequate and fair sum. 
2 % - A certificate of appreciation is enough, as this is national service.
0 % - It is too much.

See the pie chart at:

1 comment:

  1. At least seven figure sum.
    Our precious boys are worth its weight in gold, far more valuable than spending the frivolous $15m on the Trump/Kim wayang meeting on Singapore soil.
    Our sons are gifts from Almighty God, no less valuable as the sons belonging to the PAP Elites. Causing death through negligence is already a sin, trying to taichi away responsibility is totally unforgivable.
