Wednesday, February 20, 2019

WOTC - GRC system

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

What are your views about the GRC system?

Here are the responses: (48 Votes)
56 % - It breeds arrogance and brings down the quality of the govt.
35 % - It damages the accountability of elected MPs to their voters.
6 % - It ensures that MPs are elected from the minority groups.
2 % - It encourages competent people to enter parliament and serve as ministers

See the pie chart at:

1 comment:

  1. The GRC system may have been started with fair Intentions to ensure minority citizens interests are fairly represented in Parliament, but has been now conveniently taken advantage by the incumbents to slip in their former defeated GE candidates in wards that have a big shot Minister. In gambling lingo, sure to win constituency one.
    Worst still the "helicopted" candidate is instantly made Minister, and even more incredibly considered a PM material in the next GE.
