Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Local investors commence suit in Texas

Dear Mr Tan,

Local Investors commence suit in Texas to get accounts from A2A
We are a group of Singaporean and Malaysian investors who invested in Singapore property company A2A Capital Management projects in Fort Worth Texas and we have commenced a law suit to compel the Trustee for proper accounts.  The projects involved are The Hills of Windridge and The Trails of Fossil Creek. We are in the process of connecting with other investors to notify them of our efforts to get an accounting of what happened to our investment funds.
Our efforts have been featured twice on CBS-DFW News reports, once in October 2018 and another time in November 2018. Our case first appeared in Straits Times on April 6 2017.
CBS News `Investors Sue Company '-  
This is the link to the report on A2A which we gave to the Straits Times on 6 April 2017. 

Over 1800 investors involved and US$65 million in investments in Texas
From just 2 people, the group now has a few hundred supporting investors, through sheer hard work to find each other and form a collective group to inquire into the status of our investments. Each investor has put in between US$10,000 to US$500,000.
Our efforts began in 2017 when many of us grew concerned after receiving very little returns and contradictory reports on the progress of the development for 6 years. We wrote to A2A and Singaporean CEO Dirk Foo to request an accounting of our assets as beneficiaries of the Trusts. Dirk Foo did not respond to the request. We wrote him again in 2018. This request was also ignored.
Thereafter, we gathered more support from investors, so we could engage a lawyer in Texas to demand an accounting. A formal demand for an accounting was sent to Dirk Foo by our counsel. Dirk Foo, through his lawyer, refused to provide us with the accounting we requested.
This refusal compelled us to file a law suit in Fort Worth, Texas to compel Dirk Foo, as Trustee of The Hills of Windridge Revocable Trust and the Fossil Creek Revocable Trust, to provide us with a written statement of accounts, as is required by Texas law.
While we have formed a sizeable group already, our research shows that there are as much as 1800 investors from Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, Taiwan and other places in Asia who invested close to US$65million in either Windridge A2A Developments, LLC and/or Fossil Creek A2A Developments, LLC. These are the investors with whom we would like to connect.
Over 3000 investors have invested an estimated US$250 million with A2A
It is estimated that over 3000 people in Asia have invested in A2A land projects in the US and Canada and the total investments collected may be in the region of US$250 million. The majority of investors are from Singapore and Malaysia and they have yet to see their initial investments being returned.
We are proactively moving forward with our lawsuit against the A2A entities and Dirk Foo, as Trustee.  If successful, the accounts will help investors understand what has happened to their investments and whether their funds have been properly managed in good faith.    
Volunteer Effort
Our group has been working for nearly two years now and we hope to call for mass meetings to update other investors who are unaware of the actual situation or are unaware of our actions. Our contact : investorscontact1@gmail.com
Vijayan Nambiar:    98004907
Investorcontact hotline: 8266 5420 

On behalf of IRMC (Investment Recovery Main Committee)
1.   Vijayan Nambiar  
2.   Kenneth Tan  
3.   Jeffrey Ng  
4.   Yan Seck Chew (Treasurer)
5.   Clarence Teh  
6.   CK Chin  
7.   CS Ping
8.   Rayson Tan
9.   Oh Ee Tiek (Malaysian Representative)

This is the link to the report on A2A which we gave to the Straits Times on 6 April 2017. 

For more information, please visit:

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