Friday, March 01, 2019

Why I strongly advocate that GST be abolished

I have advocated on several occasions that GST should be abolished in Singapore. Some people think that I am being "populist". They also think that it is not possible for the government to abandon this revenue source.

Let me explain my thought process.


  1. Only recently that I realise 7% GST was added on my utilities.
    When dining in restaurants the additional 10% service charge and 7% GST which they calculated as + + ( plus plus) but we have a choice if we want to dine there.

  2. Govt is panicking at the increasing costs of healthcare, last update an increase of 20%, the wool still comes from the sheep's back i.e. the people's pocket, and GST is a very convenient, fertile, immortal golden goose to tap, can be force fed to keep on laying more and more golden eggs in years down the road, very soon can lay eggs up to 12%, 15%, etc.
    Such easy lucrative source of income, only an idiotic fool would give up.
