Wednesday, April 03, 2019

How Aesop dealt with "fake news"

Do you remember the Aesop fable about the little boy who cry wolf?

He cried "wolf" out of mischief. The villagers stopped work and hurried to deal with the wolf. They realized that they were fooled.

The boy did it again. The villagers responded and found that they were fooled.

When the boy did it the third time, the villagers ignored him. They did not respond to his cry. And there was actually a wolf that attacked his sheep.

This fable showed how the people dealt with "fake news" in the olden days. They learn what is true and ignore the "fake news".

If Mr. Shanmugam was the adviser to the village head, he would have asked the head to pass a law to deal with fake news. And he would make it his role to decide what is fake and what is true.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. “A minority(少数民族) is powerless while it conforms to the majority(多数)."

    ― Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

    Majority agreed with the minister. He is doing the right thing. There is nothing to fear if one is not the type to fake. We need peace to be able to walk the street freely without some exploiting our face and paste our xxxx details all over social media. This rule came too late.
