Saturday, June 15, 2019

Be respectful in giving comments

Some people criticise me for deleting comments that are not supportive of my views.

Their comments are not correct. I delete comments that:

a) are rude and disrespectful
b) pass judgment on my views, just because they have a different view
c) make personal attacks.
d) are irrelevant to the topic

Some of these people have the purpose of just criticising my view without any reason. I suspect that they are paid to do so. They work in a gang, or can I say in a brigade.

Some are just trolls, who enjoy making senseless personal attacks and criticism. They think that they are smart. They think that this kind of behavior is the norm in the internet.

Some people do post comments that are different from my view. They do it respectfully.

They share their facts and perspective without passing any judgment of me or my view. They help in contributing to a useful discussion of the topic.

Let me quote an example.

I posted a few observations that some directional signs in our MRT stations are confusing and difficult to follow.

I am not saying that the signs are totally bad. But I did imply that they are generally bad.

A few people shared their comments about being lost when looking for the exits in our MRT stations. These are supportive comments.

I do not mind if some people said that they did not have any difficulty in finding the directional signs or that our signs are generally helpful.

But I get some comments that are disrespectful and personal. These people said that my difficulty is due to old age or that it was my fault for missing the signs. Some even said that it was my post was intended to bring down the establishment.

These comments are deleted. In extreme cases, where their intent to insult is obvious, the writers are banned.

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