Sunday, June 09, 2019

Dealing with bomb hoax

Most people said that the authority should act on every bomb hoax, They want to play safe.

I am in a small minority who hold a different view. I said - use your common sense. Ignore the hoax when it is obviously a hoax. We should not be wasting public resources dealing with every hoax.

This letter deals with the high cost of dealing with a hoax, and it seems to be occurring more frequently.

I said - if there is a real bomb and an intent to blow up the plane, will the culprit inform the authority?

Were there any cases where the report turned out to be true, and a bomb was deactivated before it blew up?

I am not saying that we should ignore all cases. I am only saying that a senior person should exercise judgment about the report.

If there is a slim chance that it might be true, by all means do a search. But if it certainly smells of a hoax, do not waste resources and inconvenience passengers (imagine the missed connecting flights and screaming children), chasing after a hoax.

Anyway, I am sure to be in the small minority, but I want to say my piece.

Anyone is free to disagree with me, but they have to be respectful. They are not allowed to pass any personal judgment.

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