Thursday, July 18, 2019

Message from a concerned citizen

I share this email from a concerned citizen.

hello kin lian
i am just a commoner who have observed that sg is spiralling downwards.

its top people are very inward looking.
we have policies and protocols. sound impressive right. but sometime, the top people must go down to ground level to do spot checks and bring the report written by their subordinates to see whether it tallies. the culture has become such that the top people are being told what they want to hear only, correct? like in the army, right? so tell me, whats wrong with the top people?

if they still continue to adopt an inward looking approach, i think we are doomed. They have run out of ideas because policies that were good then, does not work now. they are still base on models that worked in the nation building days. wake up wake up. either you are lazy or too incompetent.

The country is just too expensive to live in. a lot of countries have caught up and are even better and affordable and they come much cheaper in terms of pricing for business. so how do the top people counter this? we will lose the competitive edge over these neighbouring countries. i have no idea and solution as i am a commoner and the top always like to be lords over us. so whats the solution top men?

was it south korea, hong kong, taiwan and Singapore that were labelled the 4 rising tigers of asia? can someone do a comparison test to see where sg stands amongst the 4? my knowledge is limited.

there is so much feedback and truth on the internet, why not tap on these and move the country forward? why make feedback fake? proper channels? yes but the info has always been tweaked. this show one thing, in this new economy, the top will not last long. thankfully i hope. may the next better player take over.

there is one thing i learnt during my 2 years serving the nation, it is this word called wayang. a good balance is good but too much wayang is bad for the country

a concerned citizen.

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