Thursday, July 11, 2019

Quora: Don't say we didn't warn you

Quora: How should the US prepare itself for the consequences from Beijing's statement 'Don't say we didn't warn you' regarding trade war?

Robert Molyneux, former STEM Practitioner And Consultant (1973-2012) answered.

The logical step would be to consider what 1.4 billion energetic humans might do, when led by a single national government full of expert managers and STEM experts, against a nation of 325 million humans led by 51 different governments full of white lawyers pissing on each other. Stop laughing.

The nearest thing to China would be a nation with a “government of national unity” facing some national crisis or a war.

So the USA should have considered the effectiveness of the scatter gun of tariffs applied to all imports from China, when China has (1) alternate markets and (2) can simply direct entire industrial sectors to move in strategic directions.

It is difficult to start with where the USA and its dimwit leaders have gone wrong.

For example, the entire world understands the impact of climate change. Not the USA. Let’s pass a law that makes climate change illegal.

The entire world understands that the internal combustion engine (ICE) is old technology, and is looking to move to the new technology of electric vehicles. Not the USA, and its fixation on gas-guzzling “Yank Tanks”. Let’s allow car manufacturers to move to Mexico and China and Thailand, and close down Detroit.

The entire world understands that the “Levelised Cost Of Electricity” shows that renewable energy is becoming cheaper than the old technology of large central coal fired stations surrounded by an expensive network of high voltage distributors. Let’s prevent laws that include the cost of pollution in the price of old energy production.

Let’s give tax breaks to the wealthy, and leave the majority of the population struggling.

China has its Made In China 2025 strategy, which sets out very clearly where its economy is being directed. Trump and his fellow wind-bags want China to give this up. Fat chance.

China has the One Belt One Road strategy, which sets out very clearly the idea of building infrastructure AROUND THE WORLD to allow for all nations to trade with China AND between themselves. And incidentally, to make its trade routes by land, rather than by sea, which would expose them to the US navy’s tender mercies.

The US response (as shown by the mindless mutterings on Quora) is to talk bullshit about how the cost of the infrastructure is a debt trap, into which the ignorant dimwits in charge of “shit hole” countries will fall.

The USA should simply accept the the laws of exponential growth (Hello Albert Einstein) mean that China will surpass the US in a decade or less, and be doing everything possible to promote free trade between the two enormous markets.

Instead of whining about how China requires companies setting up in China (to access their enormous market) to share their patents and IP (which are worthless unless commercialized), the USA should be asking for more please!

The two countries should be setting up Free Trade Zones (President Xi has already done this) with the USA setting up “sister-zones” in the red states to provide work to the poor bastards left behind by capitalism moving their (obsolete) jobs overseas.

Instead of having China buy up US government bonds to warehouse their enormous wealth, they should be encouraged to invest more in US industry, in areas complementary to China, or in synergy between them.

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