Sunday, July 14, 2019

Survey - Singaporeans support the protest in Hong Kong

This poll said that more than three quarters of Singaporeans support the protest in Hong Kong.

The analyst said that it reflects the close ties between these two territories.

I have a different opinion.

Many of the Singaporeans support the protest because they of our local condition. It is almost impossible to organize a protest to voice their anger about conditions in Singapore. They have to apply for a police permit and that permit will not be issued or will be delayed to a point that it cannot be organized logistically.

Many Singaporeans have a superficial understanding about the conditions in Hong Kong. They are likely to be influenced by the western media. They also hold a negative (which I would described as biased) view about the conditions in Communist China.

There are other Singaporeans who are knowledgeable about the conditions in Hong Kong and China and who support the protests. But there are knowledgeable people who consider the protests to be unwise.

Here is the survey report.…/singaporeans-support-hong-kong-prote…?

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