Friday, July 12, 2019

WOTC - How should ministers deal with feedback

Wisdom of the Crowd: 59% of the participants in this survey said that the ministers should ask their assistants to engage the public on the issues brought up.

18% said that the public should use other channels to reach the ministers.

The remainder said that the ministers do not have the time to deal with these issues.

See the breakdown in


  1. How do they deal with feedback -they give the feed back to the people. Reason they only have a pair of ears -eyes and one mouth. There is only 12 hours of daylight.

    Since they cannot please all- so take the non-committal way out-that is "we will look into the matter"-case closed.

    The roads are super congested-the young ones are disappointed with the 30% down payment needed for purchase of cars. They want to own cars at least one in their lifetime. The ones who can afford the 30% thinks it is a super idea as vehicles are deprecating value.
    Homes-the young ones just want to own a home-the old ones displeasure of 99 years coming to zero value. Private homes-a minority with spare cash wish to own one investment property but ABSD kills the prospect. The ones who cannot afford private homes support the idea gleefully. The ones who are not qualified to buy public housing due to high income were told to accept their fate- who ask them to have such high salary attitude. Most parents are very conscious of schools. They do not mind their child travel from east to west of the island for brand even if the travelling time takes 2 hours per trip. But those living nearby will give feedback to the government. The other group will think its their right to branded schools because "my child is smarter and I have money kind of attitude".

    So there goes the pressure to sustain themselves- they ignore completely to feedback-or they give answers in latin and just brush everything off.TRAMS- spelt backwards.

    End of the day- only the despicable talks about equality.

  2. The late ministers built the strong foundation otherwise now the country very jialat. Crime is rising as the people are hungry. I dun feel safe going to Geylang or night clubs. If there are some police presence or random checks 8 lives might be save. the murders or the victim. Now no U-turn 1 dead( a father, son and brother). 7 lives are hanging by the thread. Doesn't all these told something. SPF all they do is aircon till people died. Useless bunch of police

  3. Can see mata out la. buying lunch or dinner. By the way mata is to catch bad people, not prevent crime. My humble feedback.

  4. Last time I herd smoke-bomb asthma death hysterical mother was at a loss. She gave feedback to the PM. The PM just forward the feedback to MOF(NEH). That's why nowadays nobody scared. Feedback to PM also no use. He just forward. Hope this is not fake news. If its LKY he will say last chance for you to buck-up. Do you think HSK will also just forward feedback because his boss is doing it? They said not easy to get ministers. If boss act like LKY in case mass resign than what.
