Wednesday, July 10, 2019

WOTC - Unemployed graduates

Wisdom of the Crowd: 79% of the participants suggested that unemployed graduates should take up skilled jobs instead of office jobs. Another 12% suggested that the pay of non graduate jobs should be raised. 10% suggested to leave it to the market.

See the breakdown in


  1. More DYSON kind is needed to boost the economy. For them their business is solely to make money but I dare say out loud, they make great contributions and create jobs for the graduates. They deliver and add new things or service to the lives of people here. We have not have any such grand scale kind of migration here for a very long time. Where is the Minister for Business Development?

  2. If we have "premium government" they will know how to create honey to attract such kind of HQ here. Money will be brought in some other ways instead of just taxing its people with GST. Those at the top lack vision, ingredients and agility. The main are just credentials.
