Monday, August 05, 2019

Should older people step forward to cause change in government?

Dr. Tan Cheng Bock is 79 years old. He has stepped forward to form a new political party, the Progress Singapore Party, to effect an change in government in Singapore.

Is he too old? Should he leave this matter to younger people? Surely, the younger people have a stronger stake in the future?

I share my views.

1 comment:

  1. Whoever come in all the same one. TCB said PAP has lost its way. Goh Chok Tong said TCB has

    lost its way. So! Come back to the same. Only difference is the aggression against PAP might

    do the opposition a disfavour . By the way all need to do toileting the same as us. PAP

    has been walking on thin ice for a long time. Their policies are overly unfriendly. We only

    live once. Why have to wait till 35 to buy a miserable small flat in stepchild locations.

    That is with waiting time half of our lives already gone by. That MAS keh leng and the HDB

    minister need to go.
