Thursday, August 01, 2019

Stop unhealthy competition in schools

I suggest this approach to stop unhealthy competition in schools. Do you agree?


  1. Invest with 200$ and get a returns of 5,000$ within seven business working days.
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  2. Those days whether we passed or fail, there was no such thing as repeat or told to leave. We were automatically up to the next level and to sit for O A levels. Even though we passed or failed the subject, what we learn in class the 65% were applied to our daily life today. When we go to the doctor their explanation medically helps us to understand even though we may not pass biology, but we have knowledge whether basic or in-depth. Today going to school means passing exams. Sheng Siong did not gain his supermarket knowledge from school exams. He gained it being hands-on. Even the wealthiest might not even have an education.
