Saturday, August 17, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd

1. Are Singaporeans generally complacent about govt policies?
2. What should the prime minister talk about at the National Day Rally?
Give your vote in


  1. Whatever policies not able to align with every group. There will always be some group who are disadvantage. In general some policies they given to the people are always not straightforward. Todays ministers are different from the past. Past they try to mitigate. Now its punishing by collecting extra money. That adds cost and everything becomes expensive.
    Almost every day, I am fighting with my child homework. Her answer would always be 'I don't know how to do its difficult.' Straining our relationship.

  2. Say here say there also their policies right.Only we can know its not right even we have to live with it. When has the average people have any input in it other than the chosen ones. The choice we have is to stay out of it what can we do?
