Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Confusing arrangement

My friend sold his condo and used the sale proceed to buy a HDB flat.

He was angry over two issues.

He has to transfer the electricity contract from his old property to the new property. It was quite troublesome. He is stuck with a two year contract and is required to keep the retail supplier.

The transfer was not smooth. He has to use Singapore Power for at least one week before switching to the retail supplier. It seemed to be quite confusing to him.

He said that each retail supplier has their own terms and conditions, which he found difficult to understand.

He asked - why can't Singapore Power reduce their electricity tariff and avoid giving this kind of problem to consumers.

After two years, what are the terms of renewal?

He also asked for the total sales proceed of his condo to be paid into his CPF account and for the CPF to pay him cash for whatever is due to them.

He found that the CPF had deducted the release of funds from his account but did not pay the money into his bank. It seemed that there is a 7 day delay. In the meantime, he has no money to pay for his CPF flat.

He found these process to be very confusing.

I told him - don't vote for PAP. They created all this kind of problem for ordinary people. Agree?

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