Monday, September 02, 2019

Hypothetical case of a suit for defamation

I was asked - Mr. Tan, if someone published a statement that you were a thief and you did not sue the author and later, another person published another statement using the fact in the first statement, can you sue the second person for defamation?

By not acting on the first statement, do you accept that the statement was true or that it was nonsensical and not worthy of legal action. If that is the case, do you forgo the right to take defamation action on the second statement?

If you were a politician, can the defendant argue that your action was "politically motivated" and that the statement did not really damage your reputation?

Here is my answer.


  1. Psychology > If he had sued his blood the world would have a sense of control and empowerment that he had taken things too far. Its damn if I do, damn if I don't. I imagine in his position
    he had the best legal advice on *extremist ideologist.*
    Its hard for us to understand the abstract guiding principles when we do not have the picture perfect scenes.
    He had wanted to settle in private, but the blood siblings blew it on facebook while he went away for holiday to cool things down. If he had known that this is going to be a treadmill, perhaps he should have sued in the first place and let the world know that his father's will had serious credibility.

  2. Daily we read news about human sufferings , whether its bankruptcies, affairs, financial, deaths, cancers, suicide, murders, exams, pregnancies, divorce, court cases, business failures
    and other sad on goings. Some people choose their pleasures by digging the unbearable.
    If he did chose not to sue the siblings, and was mistook kindness for weakness, than he should bear the consequences. He chose to sue outsiders, whereas the siblings chose to side outsiders. Chan chun Seng has improved .In case you haven't noticed, in the past not a lot like to listen to his speech. Now he talks with some sense. It doesn't matter who you vote for. We are not talking about buildings. Papa John know this. He makes great pizza.

  3. Set up a $2 company. Put all the relatives with high salary to get loan. Book units using different names to avoid ABSD. Sell it during construction completion. SSD not applicable as 3 years starts from the day you put the deposit? I'm an agent so I know. Speculators leopard spots cannot change. When 4 years after TOP the recession would be over.

  4. @ above ~ by the way if you are an agent you wouldn't come out and spoil the game for the property market. If MAS have no knowledge of car-loan , they probably are oblivious to the loophole of the speculators. The property cooling measures are just to generate more money through AbSD. Its a sad state of affairs when people on the ground knows what is really going on , but not the policy-makers. After so many rounds, of measures its still not effective.

  5. Do you believe in miracles? Sympathy votes ?

  6. I want to sell but I cannot reduce my selling price. I paid

    * Property taxes.

    * TAX on the rental as INCOME.

    * Stamp duty

    * ABSD

    * The compound interest over the years.

    * Upkeep.

    The simple reason why resale has to be high unless you bought the property 20 years ago .

  7. Not I say one. last time the ugly bu^ch quarreled with her father than go to big brother's house and stayed with sis-in-law. Now lucky the house no demolish. Wait quarrel with father no sis-in-law place to stay.
    This one also not I say one. they said the one man's view sad one. The playboy is not a politician but always thinking how to make his money grow. No one wans to buy the house bcause
    sway so money cannot grow. He think maybe can fetch like the cheng family home in nassim 230 million.
