Wednesday, September 04, 2019

In memory of the departed relatives and friends

I meet up with my old school mates quite regularly on Saturday at Aperia Mall. They are around my age, as we were school mates in Raffles Institution.

During the past year, three mates have departed. One was due to a sudden heart attack and two were due to cancer.

They looked quite okay when we met at our regular gathering and suddenly, we heard news that they had departed.

When will be my turn?

It will certainly be a matter of time, maybe sooner, maybe later. And it might come suddenly and unexpectedly.

One thing for sure, when I have departed, you will not see my postings here in Facebook.

So, each time you see a new post, you can say a prayer - I am glad that TKL is still around. OK?

But if you do not see a posting for a few days - do not assume that I have departed. I could be on a cruise, OK?

Or maybe I have been detained by the ISD. After all, I have been scolding the "stupid ministers" quite often.

Let me take this chance to remember my parents, relatives and friends who have departed. I will join you one day, maybe sooner, maybe later.

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