Sunday, September 22, 2019

We need to revamp our bus network

In an earlier post of this photo, I made the remark - Stupid KBW. I will now explain.

We have too many bus services. The network becomes ridiculous in the CBD area. It is expensive to run many services, which leads to lower occupancy of the buses. The higher operating cost leads to higher fares.

See my views in this post.

A big network of buses was necessary in the old days when there were few MRT lines. The situation has now changed. The MRT network has reached most parts of Singapore.

We need an efficient network of feeder buses to bring passengers to the MRT station. This can be supplemented by express services that run on expressways and bring passengers from one town to another, subject to demand and connectivity.

A revamped network will be more efficient, reduce operating cost (and fares) and reduce travel time.

KBW inherited the current system. With a million dollars in salary, he has the duty to find a better solution to improve the system. Instead, the opts to adopt the easy way and raise the transport fares. Do you like it?

Stupid KBW. Do you agree?

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