Friday, September 06, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd

1. Will you support The Online Citizen in fighting the defamation suit by PM Lee?
2. Do you accept the composition of the election boundary committee?


  1. Both sides no support. The incitants got away scot-free and he chose a scapegoat.

  2. Before we dieded just sented a demolition team on our hdb. No need a will.

  3. We seldom know their value till they are not around. Our past and present prime ministers. May you have health and happiness. We 💗 💗 💗 you.

  4. Which is worse????????

    To be sued till bankrupt and live with the shame or ?

    To be killed put in an oil-drum cement and throw into the river?

  5. This fella was made scapegoat on both ends. The one who sued and the group who was backing him? When you get enough people with the same values, they behave in ways they never would when alone? They form a sort of network effect of being part of a group that hijacks their thinking?

  6. He will never stop. Why now ? Was he paid to put the article?

  7. At the end of August 2015, because of the ongoing dispute, Ho Ching did a search of her old emails and found the correspondence between her and Lee Wei Ling in July 2014 where LWL expressed her suspicions about Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern’s role in the making of the Last Will. This series of events led me to be very troubled by the circumstances surrounding the Last Will.

    Lee Hsien Loong in Parliament.

  8. Grapevine said that no lawyer wanted to represent Terry. True?

  9. Defence lawyer either respect PMlee too much or scare too much?

  10. They were incredibly rich, what will they do with all their money when they die?
    * Leave it to their favourable family member?
    * Bequeath it to the public on their death?
    *Dispense and distribute during their lifetime?

    At the end of August 2015, because of the ongoing dispute, Ho Ching did a search of her old emails and found the correspondence between her and Lee Wei Ling in July 2014 where LWL expressed her suspicions about Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Suet Fern’s role in the making of the Last Will. This series of events led me to be very troubled by the circumstances surrounding the Last Will.

    If their only worry was about a house, I would gladly swap places with them.
