Sunday, September 29, 2019

WOTC - Swiss standard of living

Wisdom of the Crowd: 86% of the respondents have a negative view of Goh CT due to his failure to deliver the promised Swiss standard of living. The other 14% had a positive view.

See the breakdown of the votes in


  1. Incidentally ,we did have a small amount of Swiss standard during GJT tenure. He introduced COE to make sure people not spent too much wasted time stuck in jams GST was not threefold, but enough to generate government coffers without pushing peoples' cost of living Certainly life was not as trouble com arduous during his time. His most memorial was promoting graciousness not money. People are allowed to purchase properties on 100% loan( though not a very safe idea for banks) rather than having them empty and unoccupied all over the island. Those days where the leaders can think differently and look around corners for policies are not there anymore.

  2. You are allowed to cut toxic people out of your world — even if you have strong history, even if they are family, even if they have done a lot for you over the years. You are not obligated to keep them around if they are causing you pain. You are allowed to leave them in your past.

    Famous quotes on toxic siblings. Hopefully no gonna kenna stroke. Copied & Paste.

    They are controlling
    Do you feel like you always have to do what your sibling wants to do? If you don’t, they will sulk or get aggressive? In the end, it’s just easier to go with whatever they want?
    This is a form of control. Whether it is what friends are suitable for you or the type of college course you should study. If you find that you are not able to make your own decisions without your sibling getting their way, this is a sign of coercive control.
    You don’t feel you can say ‘no’ to them
    This is another form of control, but it also impacts a great deal on your life. Do they get upset if you say no to one of their requests or demands? Do they make you feel guilty for saying no? Finally, do they play on your emotions and try and make you feel bad for not helping them?
    This is typical behaviour of a younger sibling that has narcissistic tendencies.
