Thursday, October 31, 2019

Financial Planning Tip #1 - Save Regularly

I will be writing 10 separate articles on financial planning.

Here is Tip #1 - Save Regularly.

It will be restricted for FISCA members in the future, but for the time being, it is open to the public.

Read about it now.


  1. When PM Lee's son video was put on internet WITHOUT permission all kinds of police came in. When this abusive Indian video was put on internet without his permission no government people came out to say something? Is not what you are, its who you are? In the condos case police normally will say its a private matter settle it amongst yourself. But now to appease those who wants blood MHA came out and said police investigating the case. Unfairly it did not came out and say police investigating the abuse the Indian incurred which was far worse than what the security get. I have lost faith in the Singapore system. Vote them out.

  2. If one have to convince people to love you, than they will never respect you. The most important things in life are nontransactional. This is because transactional values create relationships that are based on manipulation.
