Sunday, October 06, 2019

Listen to the views of the people

How can a government listen to the views of the people when the people themselves have different and conflicting views?

Here is a way to overcome it.


  1. After the long running saga of a historical house which happens to rich and famous people, we are now worried that our children will be waiting till one of our leg is about to go in the coffin, standby a lawyer to get us to sign a new and dodgy will.
    Having 2 children and 2 properties, we asked the bank if we could add in the names of each child in each property, to which the banks came back with this-

    Fully redeem the loans.(3 months)?

    Get a lawyer to do it as a new purchase in which TDSR, ABSD, AGE, STAMP DUTIES and INCOME has to come in. (3 months)?

    We had to cancel our plan.

  2. One had cancer. She was treated with no urgency. She was dying and the lawsuit took 7 years?
    Fancy you are fighting cancer and a negligent lawsuit is not anyone had to go through. No matter how advance the country is, their system sucks. Changi has the worse reputation.

  3. Why ABSD will not go down one reason being only a tiny group can own more than one private property. Though it is a daylight robbery, it will not affect their votes. Besides those living in HDB , 60% will support it as its money for the country.
