Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Partial trade deal between US and China

On Friday 11 November, President Trump was jubilant about the partial trade deal with China.

He tweeted - (it is) as a major achievement and the best deal US farmers have ever secured. WOW, the Farmers really hit pay dirt,"

The following day, China said - not yet, we need more talks to clarify the terms of the deal before we sign the agreement.

Why did China take this stand?

I see two reasons.

First, China knows that Trump is desperate to have a trade agreement to present to the American voters.

Second, China is wary about Trump's erratic and unpredictable behavior. What is to stop him from implementing new demands at any time?

I believe that China wants to make sure that the partial trade deal will mean - no new demands.

What do you think?

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