Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Quora: What would happen if the Republicans voted to impeach Trump?

Virginia Hall, Top Writer 2018
Answered Sep 25

I am old enough that as an adult I watched Watergate go down. At first everyone thought Nixon would skate through with the Republicans in the Senate backing him up.
Then came the hearings and evidence came out and the Republicans began to shift.
Just before what turned out to be the end a delegation of Republicans Senators went to the White House and informed him in the Senate there were enough votes to remove Nixon from office. In short, Nixon would be removed from office.
Rather than go through the humiliation of being removed by a vote of the Senate, Nixon decided to resign.
If there were enough Republicans to remove from office, Trump might throw in the towel.
If the Republicans form a red wall, Trump might survive. If the red wall cracks, and it’s a high bar to remove, Trump might survive to run in 2020.
There would be a terrible problem as the Republicans have scuttled all the primaries. Who would they run? Pence? It would be a disaster.

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