Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Quora: Why has China the position of strength in negotiating a new trade deal with the US?

Paul Sutton, Stock Trader, electrical engineer answered.

China is stalling. It’s that simple. They dangle a carrot, and Trump thinks “Aha! I’ve got them on the ropes!” and then China slides off to the side and pulls the same stunt again. And again.

They have no interest is striking a deal with Trump. Trump is a bully. Imagine if Russia (or China) used or tried to use the same intimidating tactics on the US. Citizens from one side of the country to the next - most of whom now applaud Trump’s bullying - would be up in arms. We’d have the Chinese equivalent of “Freedom Fries.” Remember the furor over France not endorsing our desire to invade Iraq? Too far back?

Those same folks would be advocating boycotting of Chinese goods in the US far and wide, screaming epithets on every public forum available, and so on. But they think it’s okay if we do it to China.

China is more pragmatic than the US. They simply deflect the situation and stall knowing that Trump’s time in office is limited, whether to four years or eight is not of much consequence.

Trump thinks he’s winning. His supporters think he’s winning. I can’t see it. Nor can I see China rolling over because Trump demands that they do so. We certainly wouldn’t. What makes anyone think China will, or even should? Trade is negotiated, not dictated. Presuming that might makes right simply doesn’t work, as Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq should amply demonstrate, and I’d bet dimes to donuts the same frothing crowd that supported those wars also stand behind Trump. They never learn, do they?

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