Sunday, October 27, 2019

Quora: What concessions will China squeeze Trump for before signing a new trade deal in advance of the 2020 presidential election?

Lance Chambers answered.

I don’t think China will try and squeeze anything out of the US prior to the election.

China is waiting until Trump has gone before they will negotiate in any serious manner. China have the room to wait. Xi will be there until he dies and he is a patient man as is the whole of the CCP. China have been a relatively cohesive entity for close too 5000 years. Do you honestly believe they will hiccup now?

Trump has proven to be an unreliable president who fails to keep his word. He changes his mind in a whim. Who can trust anyone like this?Certainly not China!

China is still ‘talking’ to trump and the WH and are making very very small moves to placate trump but not making any big moves. Buying a few 10’s of thousands of tonnes of soybeans to feed to Chinese pigs isn’t China embracing trade with the USA as it did before trump arrived on the scene.

PS Chinese people do not eat GMO foods and that’s why the Brazilian, Argentinan and Russian soybeans are better for China as they can be eaten by the Chinese people as well as feeding their pigs. Two bangs for the buck so to speak.

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