Saturday, November 30, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Does the Chinese communist party produce a good government?
2. PM Lee wants to introduce a good package to deal with the economy.

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  1. Answer to no.2.

    He is a nice guy and a great speaker. The question is their act in their official capacity is they cannot satisfy one and every needs. To cut all the bulls**t, the one and only 4 life threatening components are affordable homes, healthcare, good jobs and family quality time. Cutting GST will be in the best interest in all humankind.

  2. Its only right that that that they should provide the basic to satisfy every man's need. They should not provide for man's greed.

  3. Everybody's lives is marked by economic insecurity. If you fell ill , lost your job, were dis abled or grew old without children for support and facing poverty.
