Saturday, November 30, 2019

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Does the Chinese communist party produce a good government?
2. PM Lee wants to introduce a good package to deal with the economy.
3. What is the best outcome for the future of Hong Kong?
4. Is there corruption at the highest echelon of our government?
5. Is it proper for a person to allege that there is corruption at the highest level?

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  1. A big thank you to PAP for sending out Silver generation volunteers to reach out to the Merdeka Generation.

  2. My father died at a public hospital in the evening. I was by his bedside when he died. The nurse brought me a chair to sit on when I broke down. Visitors asked my family what had happen. They answered that our father had just died. There was no private room or corner where I could go and grieved silently for a while. That was our first class hospitals.
