Saturday, November 09, 2019

WOTC - Strong reaction against Ramesh's behavior

Wisdom of the Crowd: 89% of the respondents to this survey said that the strong reaction of the netizen to Ramesh's behavior is appropriate. 11% think that it is excessive.

See the breakdown of the votes in


  1. Imagine some told your guest to pay $10 to visit at your invitation. No reason. Your instinctual reaction might be to retaliate in some way. Maybe it'd be verbal: maybe it'd be physical.
    Issue here was not about money. There was no justification, just that its from the management.

  2. Sad to say the quality Singaporeans have migrated. The inferiors are coming in to replace them. Most of our friends who went to do their study overseas, only about half came home more due to parents pressure to do so.

  3. The beauty of the activist ( who seemed to be everywhere on the internet ) is that they promise salvation, enlightenment, peace, perfect happiness or whatever. Can they live up to that promise? We can call this psychological abuse? Because, seriously, no leaders in this world have been able to solve every problem this far. Not even LKY. Puh-lease- No such thing as tooth fairies. The present government is just as useless. So what next?
