Monday, December 02, 2019

Require PMD riders to pass a test

Many people want the govt to impose the ban on PMD using the footpaths because they cause accidents and injuries to pedestrians.

However, the actual statistics from the hospitals show that a high proportion of the injuries are caused to the PMD riders, rather than the pedestrians. They are injured when they fall off the PMDs or crashed into the walls and other obstructions.

It may be necessary to require the PMD riders to pass a practical test before getting a license to use it.

This test should include the practical aspects of handling the PMD and also the safety regulations (including the speed limit) on using the footpaths and crossing the road.

Perhaps this could be the solution to remove the ban. Allow the PMD rider to use the pavement after they have passed a test. If they are found to have contravened the regulation, the license can be removed.

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